Paul Theriault
Hi Everyone!
So, yester the Alberta government announced a set of new restrictions due to the recent surge in Covid-19 cases. You can find the restrictions here.
As a regulated health profession, Naturopathic Doctors are permitted to remain open without any additional restrictions at this time. In a very nice surprise, Naturopathic Doctors are mentioned explicitly as being permitted to remain open.
As such, I will be remaining open. If I do become exposed to Covid 19, I will be following guidelines and testing and quarantining as needed. If so I may need to cancel appointments suddenly. I do apologize for this if it does occur. If I am in quarantine, all visits will proceed at their normal time through telemedicine, if only for a brief check in.
Anyone who does wish to proceed via telemedicine can absolutely do so. If you wish to do so, email me, or telephone Rebecca at 403-276-8800 to do so.
I encourage any patient experiencing any kind of symptoms of infections to fill out the Covid Self Assessment. As always, anyone experiencing these symptoms cannot come into for an in person visit. If this occurs, I would encourage you to inform us as soon as possible and call 8-1-1. I will help you in whatever way possible via telemedicine as appropriate.
Any cancellation fees for those needing to cancel due to covid or other infectious symptoms will be waived.
And as always, I made a commitment to never refuse treatment to anyone who could not pay. If your financial status has changed, please do talk to me, and we will come to an arrangement.
Much love to everyone.
We will get through this.
Dr. Paul.
Hi Everyone.
As many of you know, I utilize the Carroll method of food intolerance evaluation, which learned from Dr. Jared Zeff, ND, VNMI, and Dr. Letitia Dick-Kronenberg, ND, VNMI Shown in the photograph to the right.
I explain to every patient why I prefer this method, as well as some of it’s history. I have written a web page on this method, but many patients have alo been requesting a video on this method. As such I decided to make one! It is below, and I hope that you enjoy it.
The video is posted on my Youtube channel, I hope anyone who likes my videos likes them and subscribes to my channel. I post regular videos there, and have been posting my meditation series, which I will write about when complete!
Anyway, here is the food intolerance video. I hope you enjoy it!
Hi Everyone.
So, as we all can see, the smoke from the wildfire season is upon us again. In our last bouts with this problem, I used a homeopathic remedy called Toronto smog, with good success.
Using immersion methods, I decided to make a video with this remedy, so that everyone needing it could experience it. I make no specific health claims about this remedy, save that I found it, in my clinical experience, to be helpful in our last bout of smoke. If you would like to experience this, watch the video and follow the instructions.
I hope you all find some benefit from this remedy!
Hi Everyone!
So it’s been a really busy summer for me. Everyone at clinic has fallen into the groove of a post Covid world, which now does, because of the city bylaw, include mandatory masks during visits. I myself had one potential exposure outside of clinic (which turned out to not be positive after all), which required me to cancel all appointments for a few days. Thank you to everyone who rescheduled.
As always I cannot guarantee that such things won’t need to occur again. I am very grateful to all of my patients who stick with me, despite any needed schedule changes.
I’ve been taking advantage of the covid boom of online training by taking courses that had previously required long distance travel. One course in particular which I have had great fun with is on acupuncture for trauma, a technique developed in Germany that seems to aid in the identification and processing of traumatic experiences through a combination of ear acupuncture and flower essences. I FINALLY got all the supplies, and so began practicing the technique. I have to say, I am finding great success with it, both in terms of psychological health and in terms of freeing up the vitality to work on other physical, mental or emotional problems the person may have, unconnected to any particular trauma.
If you would like to experience this, please do book in for an acupuncture session!
I’ve also begun a meditation blog on my Youtube channel. I upload about 1 session per week. I’ve been focusing on flowers and plants lately, but likely will focus on other topics soon. You can find this playlist by clicking here. I hope you all enjoy it!
And finally, it’s August, and we’re all trying to beat the heat, especially in clinic! Like many of you, I don’t have air conditioning, and am boiling. But I thought I would share a technique that got me through summer in Toronto when I was in school, without air conditioning. The technique is simple. Dunk a t-shirt in tepid water and put it on. It will cool you for about an hour, and will also stimulate your healing processes, in general.
Anyway, I hope you all are having a delightful summer!
Much love!
Dr. Paul
Image Credit: Cornelisus383.
Hello Everyone!
So, the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta has permitted us to reopen this week, with certain precautions. I’m very happy to be able to get back to you all! I will open for in person visits, and for new patients (which require an in person visit) this Wednesday.
The precautions require me to wear a mask during the visit. This is nothing personal, but is a requirement of the regulations. As of August 1st, all patients will also be required to wear a mask inside the clinic. Again, this is nothing personal, but is required by the city of Calgary regulations.
The clinic will be screening each patient before arrival. Acute infections are still required to self isolate, according to the public health guidelines of the ministry of health, though we will indeed still be able to provide distance treatment.
We will also be taking your temperature when you arrive.
We will not be permitting family members to wait in our waiting area any longer while appointments are ongoing for spouses and children, to minimize exposure to other patients in the waiting room. If different family members come to appointments together, they must either wait in a car when not in treatment, or come into the treatment room together.
I will be sterilizing and cleaning between visits, so I will be having a little bit of a break between seeing you all, unlike my usual constant schedule. This may make my schedule a bit more difficult to book into. To correct for this I will be staying late and coming early much more often.
Finally, I know many of you have financially suffered during the lockdown. Rest assured, I will NEVER refuse a patient due to lack of ability to pay. If you have changed circumstances, please do email me and we will work out some change in my fees.
To those of you who continue to pay my normal fees, and who continue to support me throughout this time, THANK YOU. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you, and the many vulnerable people I treat at reduced rates would also be deprived of Naturopathic care if not for your support.
If we currently have a telephone appointment booked, we will proceed with a telephone treatment at your currently scheduled time. We will rebook you for an in person visit at that time if needed. If you do not have a current appointment, please do email me at to book a visit.
Many visits will still proceed as telephone visits, until the Covid situation is completely resolved, if we don’t truly need to be in the same room together.
Lastly, even with adequate protections, I personally do remain at greater risk for contracting Covid. While I personally am at peace with this, I will be taking great precautions that no patients are exposed through me.
If I do develop symptoms, or test positive for Covid, I will be self isolating. I will have to stop any in person visits until such a time as I am cleared by Alberta Health. As such, I may have to cancel in person visits with very little notice. I do apologize for this in advance, if it must occur. I will continue telephone visits in such a case, though I will not have any access to my dispensary.
It does not record locations, merely contact. It also is anonymous, merely telling that someone you have had contact with has tested positive.
It is not mandatory either in Alberta or my practice, but I would encourage everyone coming to see me in person to download the app onto their phones. It will be very helpful in preventing me from inadvertently passing on Covid if I do become exposed.
It can be downloaded here.
Thank you all for your support and patience.
Statistics Canada just released a report on mortality in Canada during 2020. This is one of the most intriguing reports on Covid that I have ever seen, compiled by statistics Canada. It looks into excess deaths, compared with normal mortality trends and the time of year.
Hi Everybody! It is once again #Natmedweek 2020 in Canada. I apologize for the lateness of this post, I have been greatly occupied.
As always, I will conclude the week with a blog post detailing the research into Naturopathic Medicine. There was not a great deal of difference from the research review last year, but each year seems to bring new advances, which I am immensely grateful for. To begin with, we should discuss Naturopathic regulation globally, something that the World Naturopathic Federation has done wonderfully in the following paper. One of my own teachers, Dr. Mike Prytula, ND, has also made a lovely introductory video on Naturopathic Medicine.
To begin with, two reviews of all clinical trials on Naturopathic medicine have been conducted. The first was done in 2015, and found clinical trials on 13 conditions, finding statistically significant results in 10 of them. A second review conducted in 2019 found 33 trials, with Naturopathic medicine being found effective in pain, cardiovascular illness, type 2 diabetes, PCOS, depression and anxiety. A newer review was also performed, specifically in regard to side effects of Naturopathic medicine and surgical practice. The reviewers found a number of potential benefits naturopathic treatment could have in relation to surgery that demand further study, and no reports of serious side effects present.
In this newer small prospective cohort Study, Naturopathic and Yoga care was observed to reduce postprandial blood glucose, and Hemoglobin A1C.
A newer review was also performed, specifically in regard to side effects of Naturopathic medicine and surgical practice. The reviewers found a number of potential benefits naturopathic treatment could have in relation to surgery that demand further study, and no reports of serious side effects present.
Naturopathic care in Cardiovascular disease was recently examined in a clinical trial. 246 postal workers received Naturopathic care (207 completed the study) in addition to normal family medicine from their MD. Lab chemistry was taken before and after Naturopathic care,and their risk of a major cardiovascular even was computed using the Framingham Risk Score method of computing the likelihood of a Cardiovascular event, and the Adult Risk Panel III to compute the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. One group in the study received Naturopathic care plus normal medical care, and another received only normal medical care. In this study a highly significantly reduced risk of a major cardiovascular event (risk reduction in control group of 10.81, risk in Naturopathic group of 7.74% for a reduction of 3.07%) and a reduction of metabolic syndrome (48.48% control group, 31.58% Naturopathic group for a reduction 16.9%).Naturopathic care in Cardiovascular disease was recently examined in a clinical trial. 246 postal workers received Naturopathic care (207 completed the study) in addition to normal family medicine from their MD. Lab chemistry was taken before and after Naturopathic care,and their risk of a major cardiovascular even was computed using the Framingham Risk Score method of computing the likelihood of a Cardiovascular event, and the Adult Risk Panel III to compute the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. One group in the study received Naturopathic care plus normal medical care, and another received only normal medical care. In this study a highly significantly reduced risk of a major cardiovascular event (risk reduction in control group of 10.81, risk in Naturopathic group of 7.74% for a reduction of 3.07%) and a reduction of metabolic syndrome (48.48% control group, 31.58% Naturopathic group for a reduction 16.9%).
This data was further analyzed in another paper for the economic impact of Naturopathic treatment. The above trial resulted in (corresponding to a 3.3% decreased risk of a Cardiovascular event) in a savings of $1138 in costs to society and $1187 in employer costs per year of Naturopathic treatment. The cost savings of livelong Naturopathic care that could be speculated on based on this remain staggering.
In response to this trial, this MD in CMAJ endorsed the idea of delegating some aspects of Cardiovascular care from Medical to Naturopathic Doctors. Many MDs would oppose this, but a significant minority of our Allopathic cousins would gladly cooperate with us in patient management.
Another Clinical trial on the Naturopathic treatment of rotator cuff tendonitis was recently published. In it, a group of postal workers with diagnosed rotator cuff tendontis received either a standard set of physiotherapy exercises to do on their own (an approach not unlike that which many MDs in family practice will use before a physiotherapy referral) as well as a matched placebo. Pain was measured using Shoulder pain and disability index scores, visual analogue pain score, Short form 36, and MYMOP. 87% of participants completed 8 weeks of treatment, SPADI scores decreased by 54.5% (p<0.0001) in the Naturopathic care group and 18% (p<0.0241) in the Exercise group. All measures showed significant differences in favor of Naturopathic care, with SPADI showing a difference probability of <0.0001 and no major adverse outcomes reported.
In a similar trial 75 postal employees with back pain greater than 6 weeks duration were given either Naturopathic medicine or standardized exercises ( again similar to what they might recieve at an MD practice) for 12 weeks. Progress was measured using the Oswestry disability questionaire, as well as the SF-36, lower back range of motion, weight loss and BMI. 92% completed at least 8 weeks of treatment. Back pain reduced significantly in the Naturopathic group (-6.92 on Oswestry, p<0.0001) and all other measure improved significantly as well.
The above trial was analyzed for economic impact. In the analysis, employees experienced 9.4 more perfect health days and reduced societal ( read employer) costs of $1212 per participant over the course of the study. The intervention cost $154 per day, compared with lost productivity costs of $178 per day, representing a return on investment of7.9%. Individuals participating saved $1096 each. Again this was from a single course of treatment. Imagine the cost savings applied society wide, particularly in countries like Canada with socialized medicine.
Another small Indian study showed significant improvements in PEFR, VC, FVC, FEV1, FEV/FEC%, MVV< ESR and Absolute Eosinophil count in Asthma patients undergoing a Naturopathic and Yogic treatment regimen.
In another study, patient outcomes from Naturopathic and Allopathic medical practices were compared in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Consistent with other research, Naturopathic patients reported higher income, lower rates of smoking, higher rates of exercise, but interestingly, greater rates of fatigue, insomnia and hot flashes. Both patient groups resulted in improvements in anxiety, hot flashes, vaginal dryness and menstrual changes. Significantly better results were found in insomnia and fatigue.
One study was done on patients with Autism, 67 patients ranging from 3-58 years were given supplementation, with additional naturopathic treatments, such as enzymes, carnitine, epsom salts baths and a diet free of gluten, casein and soy. Lab results show a significant improvement of blood nutrient levels, and nonverbal IQ and autism symptoms also significantly improved.
Another study examines Polycystic ovarian syndrome patients who had undergone a Naturopathic and Yogic regimen for 12 weeks. 25 patients were given the intervention, while 25 others were placed on a wait list. Significant changes were observed in ovarian morphology and body measurements.
Recent Indian research has focused on a number of areas of integration of Naturopathic medicine and conventional care. This paper reviews the multiple ways many Naturopathic agents can aid in modulating cell signalling pathways in cancer. Another paper shows a similar conclusion, with Natural compounds showing great promise in decreasing resistance to one method of cell self destruction in cancers.
Much recent research has focused on the types of patients Naturopathic Doctors see. In one recent study a survey of 300483 visits to a Naturopathic teaching clinic was examined. It was found that Naturopathic clinics saw a similar range of problems to other primary care practices, that patients paid out of pocket more (unsurprisingly) and that Naturopathic clinics offered discounted care far more often.
Another recent study discussed characteristics of Pediatric patients coming to CCNM, a Naturopathic college in Toronto. Furthermore, a cross section of Naturopathic patients as a whole at CCNM was done, showing the incredibly wide variety of issues people come to Naturopathic Doctors with.
Another fascinating direction of research has emerged in the applications of Public health models of research to Naturopathic care, rather than more allopathic models a potential research enterprise with much potential. Another study measured the characteristics of rural Naturopathic practice in Australia, showing the important role played by naturopaths in the provision of underserved rural populations. Another study showed a high level of patient and staff satisfaction resulting from integration of Naturopathic medicine into an acute care hospital.
Perhaps most intriguingly in our survey of research is this paper, published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. India is in the slow process of constructing a healthcare system of Universal coverage (often jokingly termed Modicare after the Indian Prime Minister Narendera Modi). Unlike in Countries such as Canada which have long traditions of public medicine that were built during the low point of Holistic medicine, in the 1960s, India likely will be including all systems of medicine in it’s public scheme, along with allopathic care. AYUSH is the term in India used for such systems, including Ayurveda, Therapeutic Yoga, Unani, Sidda, Homeopathy and Naturopathy. The above mentioned paper examined the AYUSH systems in light of a report on the Principles of Universal Care produced by the Planning Commission of India. In that paper, the authors conclude that not only does AYUSH meet the standards the India government wishes to see in it’s Universal system, they would actually further it’s goals more effectively in many cases than Allopathic care alone would be able to.
Finally, there is a free documentary showing Naturopathic medicine being practiced in India, to fully scope, in in-patient facilities. I encourage you to watch it. It is my hope that the example of India in medical equality and non discrimination will be followed by Canada and other Western countries, giving all citizens the potential for access to the benefits of Naturopathic Treatment.
Happy Naturopathic Medicine Week Everyone!
Hello Everyone!
As I’m sure many of you have noticed, a wave of protest and awareness of the persistent racism facing black individuals has swept the globe, triggers by the brutal filmed murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis by police forces. Though focused largely in the US, we in Canada also need to address this topic, as we have a long history of police violence and indifference towards people of color, and Indigenous people.
The persistent racism of our society is a large barrier to health in these individuals and communities. The highest practice of Naturopathic Medicine involves working towards a world in which racism is no longer a factor in anyone’s lives, or in their health.
Vitalistic Naturopathic medicine brings many tools to this struggle that other disciplines may lack. It is my great hope that our tools may speed this struggle along, and aid in the healing of those individuals affected by structural racism and trauma.
Like many other projects, such as feminism, the rights of sexual minorities, and disability rights, this will be a generational struggle. But it is one that is deeply worth engaging, no matter how long it takes.
If you all perceive me failing in this, please do let me know. I am open to correction.
I would encourage everyone to examine this resource to aid in their own contributions to this generational project.
Much love to all of you. Especially to the people of color and indigenous people struggling through this time.
Image Credit:
Hi Everyone. So I have done this exercise with many of you, but for some odd reason, have not quite gotten around to actually making recordings of this.
This exercise wonderfully activates the parasympathetic nervous system. It bring sus into a very healthy awareness, and out of our anxieties and mind.
It should be done at least once per day! If you have any kind of mental health issues, please do consult me personally before beginning this exercise.
Here it is!
I hope you enjoy it!
HI Everyone. As many of you know, I, along with every other ND in the province, as well as in Ontario, have been ordered by our regulators to cease nonessential in person visits to slow the spread of Covid-19.
As such I have ceased in person visits as of Wednesday. For the foreseeable future, I will be practicing in my physical office location, through telephone for the most part.
When your insurance accepts this, I will charge my normal fees. If your insurance does not, I will be considerably discounting my fees. I will never under any circumstances cease care with any patient due to a loss of ability to pay.
I am also asking all my patients to email me at at any signs of an infection as well as AHS at 811.
Due to recent guidelines from the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta, I am unfortunately no longer able to accept new patients via telemedicine. Care will be continued for existing patients only.
Any homeopathics will be mailed out. Larger items can be shipped, or alternately, can be picked up at our offices. We will bring out any prescriptions to the patients waiting car, and take payment remotely, to preserve social distancing.
If anyone needs to talk, I am here for you all. We will be continuing care as much as we can, and I am always available for help dealing with isolation or with anxiety.
I love you all. We will get through this together.