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Hello Everyone!

So, the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta has permitted us to reopen this week, with certain precautions. I’m very happy to be able to get back to you all! I will open for in person visits, and for new patients (which require an in person visit) this Wednesday.

The precautions require me to wear a mask during the visit. This is nothing personal, but is a requirement of the regulations. As of August 1st, all patients will also be required to wear a mask inside the clinic. Again, this is nothing personal,  but is required by the city of Calgary regulations.

The clinic will be screening each patient before arrival.  Acute infections are still required to self isolate, according to the public health guidelines of the ministry of health, though we will indeed still be able to provide distance treatment.

We will also be taking your temperature when you arrive.

We will not be permitting family members to wait in our waiting area any longer while appointments are ongoing for spouses and children, to minimize exposure to other patients in the waiting room.  If different family members come to appointments together, they must either wait in a car when not in treatment, or come into the treatment room together.

I will be sterilizing and cleaning between visits, so I will be having a little bit of a break between seeing you all, unlike my usual constant schedule. This may make my schedule a bit more difficult to book into. To correct for this I will be staying late and coming early much more often.

Finally, I know many of you have financially suffered during the lockdown. Rest assured, I will NEVER refuse a patient due to lack of ability to pay. If you have changed circumstances, please do email me and we will work out some change in my fees.

To those of you who continue to pay my normal fees, and who continue to support me throughout this time, THANK YOU. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you, and the many vulnerable people I treat at reduced rates would also be deprived of Naturopathic care if not for your support.

If we currently have a telephone appointment booked, we will proceed with a telephone treatment at your currently scheduled time. We will rebook you for an in person visit at that time if needed. If you do not have a current appointment, please do email me at drpaultheriault.nd@gmail.com to book a visit.

Many visits will still proceed as telephone visits, until the Covid situation is completely resolved, if we don’t truly need to be in the same room together.

Lastly, even with adequate protections, I personally do remain at greater risk for contracting Covid. While I personally am at peace with this, I will be taking great precautions that no patients are exposed through me.

If I do develop symptoms, or test positive for Covid, I will be self isolating. I will have to stop any in person visits until such a time as I am cleared by Alberta Health. As such, I may have to cancel in person visits with very little notice. I do apologize for this in advance, if it must occur. I will continue telephone visits in such a case, though I will not have any access to my dispensary.

One of the things we can do together to prevent spread of Covid is download the contact tracing app developed by the Alberta government.It records who has been in contact with someone for more than 15 mins, and informs them if anyone of those people has tested positive for Covid.

It does not record locations, merely contact. It also is anonymous, merely telling that someone you have had contact with has tested positive.

It is not mandatory  either in Alberta or my practice, but I would encourage everyone coming to see me in person to download the app onto their phones. It will be very helpful in preventing me from inadvertently passing on Covid if I do become exposed.

It can be downloaded here.

I am so glad to be resuming visits this week with you all. If you have any issues or concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at drpaultheriault.nd@gmail.com.

Thank you all for your support and patience.