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I was reading the New York Times the other day, when I came across this article (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/25/opinion/understanding-chronic-fatigue.html).

I read through it, and found it fascinating. Without really intending to, this article illustrates a great deal of what is wrong with conventional medicine.

The article goes into some detail about the condition Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This condition is characterized by a profound weariness that is resistant to rest, and tends to aggravate on extended stress and physical activity.

This condition is something that I and almost all other Naturopathic doctors treat regularly. Rather than being due to a single etiology, we have, in general, found this condition to be the end result of a number of conditions. Things such as chronic infections, massive long term emotional stress, very poor digestive functioning, Lyme, and adrenal insufficiency all have been found to be present, and successfully treated in individuals with CFS.

What I found remarkable about this article was the length to which one had to go to convince many conventional doctors that this condition existed. The pain, suffering and life consequences of sufferers of this disease weren’t enough, and so too apparently was the pronouncement from the Institute of Medicine.

The comments on the Medscape version of the text indicated, despite strong biochemical and epidemiological evidence that CFS is a real condition, many of the comments disparaged those with the condition, suggesting they were faking it for disability benefits, or had other psychological problems. One of the most telling comments suggested that the lack of objective physical

Diagnostic evaluation for CFS has also been developed to “objectively” verify the diagnosis. It involves physiological measurement of ones performance at strenuous physical activity for two consecutive days. A physiologically healthy person will rebound on the second day, while a person with CFS will not. The problem is that this test can worsen the condition, sending a CFS sufferer into increased fatigue and pain for months.

The interesting aspect of this phenomenon of CFS’s marginalization within conventional medicine is this dynamic. CFS, because of its lack of clearly visible tissue changes (pathology in medical terms), is looked down upon as a condition that isn’t real, or even as malingering. In the effort to obtain “objective” data, diagnostic procedures are resorted to which in fact worsen the condition.

Underneath all of this are some of the basic, often unstated, assumptions of conventional medicine, and much of the materialist mindset that goes behind it:

  • Patients cannot know their own bodies enough to report them accurately
  • Laboratory measures and other “objective” data are the best way to diagnose
  • Subjective reports of phenomenon not closely matching accepted disease presentations are usually psychosomatic
  • If a condition is not recognized by orthodox medicine, it does not exist


Of course, not all MDs practice medicine will hold these views, but they do seem to be quite widespread.

In cultural anthropology, this kind of phenomenon was investigated by Mary Douglas in her famed work “Purity and Danger” (see the introduction to the book here). In it she postulates that cultures create symbolic systems to help them organize reality. When something does not fit within a system, one of four responses occurs:

  • It is ignored
  • It is explained as a special case of an accepted category within the system
  • It is made sacred
  • It is hated, despised and made evil and wrong


In this case we see a condition, which exists outside the medical system (with no “objective” pathology) simply being ignored, or explained away as a psychosomatic illness, a category into which many patients are thrown who clinical facts do not jive with conventional biomedical ideas.

Because of this classification, many many patients are left without any kind of support. This is all the more tragic because conventional medicine has ignored many of the treatments and assessment methods of Naturopathic Medicine, again because they lie outside the conceptual system of conventional medicine.

This in and of itself would not be such an issue, without the stranglehold conventional medicine holds on public health. It is the only publicly subsidized healthcare system in Canada (if not everywhere). If patients had an equally available choice of healthcare models they chose to follow, this issue would be solved permanently.

Health is something that everyone should enjoy. Limiting choices to one medical system with very clear blind spots limits the ability of many people to enjoy a fully healthy life..

Echinoderms are extremely poorly represented in the materia medica. Very few provings have been conducted, and even those still have very limited pictures available. Multiple categories of echinoderms such as the stalked crinoids, the brittle stars and sand dollars have not even been potentised. Others, such as feather stars, sea cucumbers and sea stars all have either one or two species potentised. So far, sea urchins are the only class of echinoderms with many potentised species, however only one proving has been conducted so far.

In short, provings or triturations of any echinoderms are sorely needed. Several interesting species and groups exist, which may give interesting provings[i]. Elasmopodida, sea cucumbers which actively swim, and resemble jellyfish, leading a floating lifestyle. Of this order, one species Pelagothuria natatrix has a fascinating umbrella like swimming structure, remebling cephalopods or Medusal Cnidarians. The sunflower star (Pycnopodia helianthoides) is the largest species of sea star. The Pincushion starfish (Culcita novaeguineae) create a habitat for multiple organisms, such as shrimp and small fish. The Blue Sea Star (Linckia laevigata) is a fascinating sea star, living on carrion. Another sea cucumber known as the Sea Pig (Scotoplanes globosa) is an common deep sea scavenger. The Giant Sea Cucumber (Parastichopus californicus) is a very large sea cucumber native to the pacific coast of North America.

A final suggestion for proving relates to the recent die offs of sea stars on the pacific coast in recent years. While originally speculated to have been due to radiation from the Fukushima disaster, it has been largely accepted that the cause is a virus, specifically a densovirus[ii]. This virus causes sea stars to lose structural integrity, and literally to fall apart. This disease seems closely linked to the Homeopathic themes of Echinoderms, and so a proving of this nosode seems warranted, and even urgent. The mass use of this nosode could potentially avert or reduce the toll of this disease. This nosode could also prove useful for many of the immune collapse disorders with which we are presented today.

[i] Thanks to the following websites for the following suggestions:


[ii] Hewson et al. Densovirus associated with sea star wasting disease and mass mortality. PNAS 111 (48): 17278-83..

So, I saw this article in the news today: http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/02/06/5-key-points-about-the-supreme-court-ruling-on-doctor-assisted-suicide.html

I must admit to some very mixed feelings on this. My own father died of Stomach Cancer in 2009, and his last few weeks on earth were extremely painful. I am quite certain that dad, if he had the option, would have selected a deliberate exit from life earlier than he ended up leaving. It likely would have been far less painful for him, and far easier for us his family. In our discussions of this, I have discovered that all the members of my family are in favor of euthanasia being a legally accessible option.

In some discussions with friends on the topic I see an interesting trend. Many people without the experience of a slow and painful death in their life are often against euthanasia, citing arguments about slippery slopes, forced euthanasia, and other issues. Health professionals and those who have experienced this on the other hand tend to favor legalized euthanasia.

However as a Naturopathic Doctor, I have a unique perspective on this issue. Much of the debate surrounding euthanasia and assisted suicide relates to the idea of suffering being intolerable and unrelievable, many diseases being incurable, and many of the misconceptions of Conventional medicine surrounding death.

A little background is perhaps appropriate. Conventional (or Allopathic) Medicine generally looks at the body as a biomechanical machine. Disease symptoms are signs of malfunction of the machine and are usually suppressed, returning the machine to the parameters we have statistically determined to be normal. Death is the result of the machine ceasing function altogether. It is assumed that due to evolutionary selection, the body will attempt to continue functioning at all costs, even through incredible pain and suffering. While generally not explicitly mentioned, it is assumed that consciousness is a byproduct of brain functioning, and which ceases completely after death, ignoring a great deal of research that refutes this assumption (see here and here).

Naturopathic Medicine views the body as a whole functioning towards a given purpose, which is life experience. Diseases are usually methods the body has towards restoring itself towards its own internal steady state. Death itself is viewed as a gradual shutdown of systems, a deliberate process of physiological shutdown allowing for the consciousness of the individual, which is usually perceived as a thing somewhat independent from the brain, to leave life peacefully and happily with a minimum of pain and trauma. Death in this viewpoint is viewed as a deliberate process of life termination, which can be interfered with by suppressive medications and chronic illness. (see a previous post of mine on the subject here)

In Conventional terms, the problem with the death process is the bodies’ tendency to fight to maintain life despite a great deal of pain and suffering. With this idea in mind, the only two options are heavy narcotics to relieve pain, such as opiate drugs like morphine and heroin, or deliberate termination of life.

In Naturopathic terms, the problem with the death process is that many people nowadays cannot complete it in a healthy way. Death is seen as a physiological process of shutdown which is impaired by chronic illness and much of the suppressive medication which is commonly used in modern society. Proper Naturopathic care allows the body to complete this death process, and allows the consciousness to make peace with it’s experience on earth before moving on to it’s next experience.

I do accept the Naturopathic Death perspective as the correct one. I have had the privilege of helping people make their transition to the next life, without drugs. Placing people on a good homeopathic remedies, and other Naturopathic methods helps this physiological process progress quickly, and will often speed up the dying process, without the ethical problem of euthanasia and assisted suicide.

My concern with the legalization of allopathic assisted suicide is simply that it presupposes that allopathic medical practices are the only possible options for a patient. A patient who could easily be treated by a Naturopathic Doctor, have their pain and suffering relieved, and have their death process complete in a timely manner without needing in the vast majority of cases to take active steps hastening death. One merely can create the conditions in which the bodies natural death process can occur, and a comfortable and peaceful transition occurs at a fair timeframe, minimizing pain and suffering.

Allowing assisted suicide is a good thing. It will allow for pain relief for many people who either have no access to Naturopathic methods, do not wish to use them, or for whom they are ineffective. However I am concerned that assisted suicide will simply serve to conceal the shortcomings of allopathic medicine even further. Why work to improve the dismal performance of allopathic medicine in pain management and palliation if one can simply use assisted suicide. Why examine the failures of allopathic ideas about health and the body if patients can simply be eased into death when those ideas meet their long term outcome?.

Hi Everyone. I just finished editing my talk from November 2014. It is on Womens Health and Hormones. I hope you all enjoy it!


I really dont like this piece.

One of the basic ideas of historical allopathic medicine is that the human body is poorly built, subject to disease at random, and thus must be controlled and regulated to prevent disease from forming. This article stems from that viewpoint. “If were not dying at 35 from infectious disease, then inevitably cancer will occur.”

This viewpoint ignores the major role immunity plays in Cancer development, nor the multitude of ways our own immune systems shift over time, in many cases making cancers more or less likely to develop. Those immunological changes are able to be altered in a more favorable direction by lifestyle, and good naturopathic management of acute and chronic disease.

Your body is designed to be healthy and functional until a ripe old age, when death comes easily and peacefully. All you need to do is simply remove the factors which are obstructing that natural process from occuring.


Unusually for one of the less prominent phyla, most cnidarian subphyla have at least one proven representative. The exception being the recently delineated Staurozoa subphyla which so far lacks any proved or unproved remedies.


However, the cubozoa, scyphozoa and hydrozoa sofar have each only single representatives within the materia medica. The anthozoa as well have only a few species proved. Only two species of coral have any information whatsoever relating to their homeopathic uses.


As such provings of all Cnidarian remedies are strongly recommended, with a particular emphasis any of the hyrdrozoa, scyphozoa, and cubozoa as well as any corals. Staurozoa are also strongly encouraged, due to a complete lack of these organisms within the material medica.


Some particularily interesting Cnidarians to prove[i] would be parasitic species, such as Polypodium hydriforme the only known Cnidarian intracellular parasite, Actinoscyphia Aurelia, an anemone which actively engulfs prey and releases bioluminesct jelly, Edwardsiella lineata a jellyfish with parasitic larvae which can implant in humans and cause an itching called Seabather’s Eruption, or Cassiopeia, a photosynthetic jellyfish which spends most of its life upside down, exposing the commensal algae in their tentacles to the sunlight. Another potentially interesting proving would be Turritopsis nutricula and “immortal” Hydroid Hydrozoa which does not age, but instead reverts to its larval phase, rematures, and begins life again, regenerated.

[i] Thank you to the following website for these suggestions:
Wojcik, J. The Coolest and Strangest Jellies. Online Document last accessed Dec 17th 2014. http://bogleech.com/bio-jelly2.html.

Hi Everyone.

I’m sorry I have been away for so long!

I’ve been blogging at my other site https://drpaultheriaultnd.wordpress.com/

I have decided to separate that site and this one. My other wordpress site will serve as my writing website, while this one will serve as my practice website. Both will have my blogs and videos, as I write them.

I’m glad to be getting back in contact with you. I will keep you all updated on my writings!

Dont forget to like me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Paul-Theriault/259865987426422?ref=hl
Or to follow me on twitter @DrPaulND.

Hi Everyone!

So as many of you can tell, I haven’t been updating this blog for some time.

Optimum wellness has another blog program, which requires a different platform, I will be blogging there from  now on, Hopefully at least monthly.

I invite you all to follow me on my new blog, located at: http://drpaultheriaultnd.wordpress.com/

I will continue to use this site as my website. I will be updating some of my programs section in the near future to reflect the recent training I’ve received in CEASE therapy as well. Please do see my new blog for a entry on CEASE, and its potential use.

Thank you all. Take Care of Yourselves!

-Dr Paul


Hi Everybody. I Finally got my ideal human diet talk up on youtube and synchronised to the powerpoint presentation I used.

This talk was arranged by optimum onsite. Optimum onsite arranges for onsite treatment and education of companies. Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture and Naturopathic treatment is available for use in any companies location in Calgary. Please do contact Optimum Onsite if youre interested in having me speak, or if youre interested in having providers come to your building. Onsites web address is:  http://www.optimumonsite.com .

Here is my video. I hope you all enjoy it!


Hi everyone. I’ve decided to make this blog the place to publicly announce my new cancer prevention program.

This program will consist of a series of injections, a medicine that is applied on the skin, and a class on cancer and its prevention through diet.

I have seen a vast amount of material pour forth in recent years about cancer, and its prevention. Unfortunately, most of it is theoretical in nature. Even my own program suffers from a lack of long term research confirming its efficacy.

However, that shouldn’t stop us from doing our best regardless. My program represents my own best interpretation of the available literature, and my own experience applying some of these remedies.

In short this program focuses on the stimulation of immunity. The surveillance of the immune system is what is generally acknowledged to prevent the formation of cancer. As such, a number of therapies that stimulate immunity have been shown to assist in cancer treatment.

One of the main therapies in this program is the injectable mistletoe solution Helixor. Helixor is one of the better studied holistic cancer therapies. Below is a selection of research showing some excellent results obtained in the use of Helixor therapy for multiple types of cancer:



Originally Helixor was prescribed solely as a cancer therapy. Overtime however other effects of this medication became apparent. During courses of helixor therapy, several practitioners began noting remissions in rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease of the joints. I personally also have noticed remissions in ulcerative colitis, an autoimmune influenced disease of the large intestine.

What all of these conditions have in common is the element of immunity. Judging from this wide spectrum of effects, I suspect that Helixor initiates a comprehensive reboot of the immune system, which both stops it from attacking tissues of the body, and which promotes the increased activity of the immune system against cancers and foreign organisms. As such, it does seem possible that using Helixor pre-emptively might stimulate and rebalance the immune system.

Cancer as a disease is thought to develop over many years, and during this time evades the surveillance of the immune system. Resetting the immune system would potentially enable the immune system to catch developing cancers, which might later on develop into full blown cancer.

I have done this series of Helixor injections myself and with several patients. After completing this series, a very interesting feeling of increased energy and well being was apparent, and lasted for several months in both myself and in my patients.

In addition to my suspicion about potential benefits, while researching this blog post, I uncovered a small amount of research on mistletoe extracts in the prevention of cancer. Given both the reasoning, and a research base, we can proceed with a fair degree of confidence in the beneficial anticancer effect of this therapy.




This series of injections will be combined with another medicine, with similar effect, which is applied topically.

In my cancer prevention program, we will be combining the two above medicines with a lecture on Cancer, its development, and dietary and other strategies to prevent its spread.

The cost of this program will be $250 (supplies included) and it is required that everyone be a pre-existing patient of mine to participate. For those who would like to join this program and are not patients, I am offering a rate of $400, which includes a first visit at a discounted rate of $150.

I hope to see all of you there!.