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Hello Everyone!

Finally my birds book manuscript approaches completion, and with it 3 other closely related books, smaller extracts of my work over the past decade systematizing the animals.

Here is an extract of my recent summary of the passeriformes that I hoped you all would enjoy.

These birds (Corvids) are also remarkable for their intelligence. Particularly in the corvids, passeriformes have been found to be amongst the most intelligent of all organisms, despite their small size. Corvids in particular have demonstrated tool making, self awareness, empathy, emotional contagion, behavioral changes in different social contexts, ritual behaviors that appear to vary from social group to social group and to be transmitted between generations, and complex rational thought. Corvids are thought to posess intelligence roughly equaivalent to a human child. They can be said to possess at the very least the rudiments of culture, and likely full culture itself. They do seem to possess that most elusive of all qualities, sentience. And judging from a deep exploration of homeopathic provings of this clade, I would presume to add, I would suspect they possess spiritual lives and potentials just as profound as humans do.

For those of us growing up in the Western intellectual world that have basked in our own special status as the self proclaimed only intelligent species on Earth, these research findings were quite shocking. We have so long focused our gaze outwards to extraterrestrials and other forms of life beyond or world to seek the other, a sentience beyond the human, yet right here on our own planet, we seem to have other species that have sentience, likely for far longer than we have possed it. Though humans have an unparraleled ability to alter out environment with our tremedously multifunctional hands, it would seem we are not the only intelligent species on the planet. Corvids most notably, but also telluraves, certain cephalopods and cetaceans likely all are intelligent species.

Hello. I did a wonderful interview just recently on Facebook Live. You can find it here.

Hope you all are having a wonderful early summer!

Hi Everyone.

So I just did an interview with Homeopathy World Community one one of my books. Resurrection of the Vital Force. This book can be purchased here!

I do hope you all enjoy the interview. You can access it by clicking here.

I also have an interview upcoming with the amazing Eugenie Kruger and her podcast Homeopathy Hangout. I do personally enjoy her podcast greatly, I will post the interview shortly after it airs.

Hi Everyone. I have a new book that I have been working on since December that has been published!
This one is going to be a big one, as it touches on some very controversial themes.

I do hope you all will read it. I will be interviewing on it in the near future.

You can pick up the book here.

Hi everyone! Sorry for the long delay in my writing.

So in recent weeks a new analysis of homeopathy has been published. You can find it here.

This is a remarkable paper. It examined every metanalysis of homeopathy that was available to them. I myself have done a similar exercise in 2019, which you can find here. However, I applied a qualitiative and comparative approach, and the authors of this new analysis have applied a quantitative approach, using statistical methods to combine the effect sizes, risk of bias (which is called meta-bias), and also specify type of homeopathy applied.

They found 6 suitable metanalyses, Linde 1997, Linde 1998, Cucherat 2000, Shang 2005, Mathie 2014 and Mathie 2017.

Using the ROBIS tool for assessing bias in systematic reviews they found both Mathies and Linde 1997 to be low risk of bias, and all others high bias. Using the AMSTAR tool for assessing funding transparency, it was found that Mathie’s trials were the most transparent.

Combining all extractable data, all trials were found to contain effect suggestive that Homeopathy has an effect beyond placebo. Restricting data to all high quality trials, statistical significance was found for every metanalysis except Mathie 2017.

In total analysis in the words of the authors “The available data yield no support for the alternative hypothesis of no outcome difference between homoeopathy and placebo.” This effect was robust when controlled for high trial quality.

This meta-metanalysis does indeed confirm what I have stated earlier in multiple publications, the evidence base for Homeopathy is positive, and disputing this becomes increasingly untenable. This evidence is rigorous, and stand up to rigorous scrutiny.

Hi Everyone. Happy New year!

I must apologize for being absent from my blog recently. My teaching and writing on my new Birds book has taken up all of my time.

However I do need to announce that, due to inflationary pressures, I do need to raise my rates. You can find a complete list of fees here. But in short,my Intakes are now $210 and 30 min treatments are $75.

My apologies for this. I have tried to hold down prices as long as I can.

I hope everyone has a wonderful 2023!!

Hi Everybody


So as many of you know, I have a great interest in Homeopathy research! I have already published on the subject, but I do keep a close eye on the field for new information being published.

One such new study was just published. This is a meta-analysis of homeopathy studies on ADHD. It combined all studies in a single statistical analysis.

Six studies were found, of which all but one were randomized and showed low to moderate risk of bias. Average number of participants was 52. Two studies were against standard treatment, and four placebo controlled.

The results, in the words of the study were: “The meta-analysis revealed a significant effect size across studies of Hedges’ g = 0.542 (95% CI 0.311–0.772; z = 4,61; p < 0.001) against any control and of g = 0.605 (95% CI 0.05–1.16; z = 2.16, p = 0.03) against placebo (n = 4). ” This is a positive effect, showing homeopathy having a therapeutic effect beyond placebo in this condition.

This is quite significant. While numerous Homeopathy studies have been positive, and overall analyses of the entire research field have been positive, when various forms of deception are not employed, the number of conditions with enough research to do a worthwhile meta-analysis has remained low. This analysis is a very worthy addition to that small field, and shows the continued building of the Homeopathic evidence base.

I hope you all have a good day!

Hi Everyone. I apologize for not writing much lately. I’ve had a lot of deadlines lately, but I did write an excellent post I thought you all would like. Please enjoy!

Its very useful to look at overall discourses and their place within the wider social context.

There is a discourse going around now, mostly entitled “conspirituality” after a popular, and admittedly very interesting podcast. This movement has been exploring the confluence of the New Age movement, various conspiracy theories, and a number of what they call “wellness” practices, usually explored in a deeply commercial context, like GOOP, or Instagram influencers.
There is a subtext to this dialogue, a kind of subtle message behind all of it, that there is nothing to the New Age and “Wellness” movements aside from the aforementioned cultural appropriation, conspiracy, and cognitive biases that lead to “wellness” believe systems.
This is utter nonsense. And I strongly suspect propagandistic nonsense.
I’m not gong to say that there is not a problem with conspiracy in the NEw Age movement, which has taken a particularly nasty ethnic nationalist turn in the last few years with the increasing emergence of some kinds of conservative christianity into this cultural milieu. Nor that there isn’t a problem with cultural appropriation. There absolutely is, and it needs to be ethically addressed.
But the idea, and indeed the subtly promoted line that there is nothing to New Age spirituality besides these things is one founded in complete ignorance to history and to the lived reality of these traditions outside of the commercial contexts.
The New Age is an outgrowth of the Western esoteric tradition, itself a deep outflow of spirituality with a well documented textual history stretching back to classical antiquity (in the hermetic texts), and possibly even earlier, in that those texts were based on earlier Egyptian and Mesopotamian traditions that stretch back to before the dawn of writing. That group of adepts tend not to display themselves publicly, and as such as nearly invisible in the discourse on the New Age.
The external construction of “wellness” as purely an commercial enterprise based on exploiting the many dissatisifed with conventional medicine based on NEw Age beleifs is also deeply problematic. It ignores the existence of medical traditions outside of allopathic (conventional) medicine, giving it what we call in social sciences, hegemonic power, instead of correctly placing it as one of numerous ideas around health and illness that has become dominant in recent history due to numerous commercial and political factors. Not least of which the alliance of the Pharmaceutical cartel, the research complex, allopathic medical education and the mass subsidization of allopathic medicine to the exclusion of other systems in the 20th century.
Lastly the cultural appropriation issue. Of all the issues with the new age, this is indeed the most real. This is a problem, plucking superficial aspects of indigenous and other traditions is a great injustice. I will address this in separate discussions, but with proper ethics, it is entirely possible to have cultural interchange between different traditions, without the appropriative and performative aspects that the commercial environment of the current era has encouraged. And, as I have said above, there is a core of Western mystery traditions and healthcare traditions outside of allopathic medicine that is the core of these movements, but never openly discussed.
In this conspirtuality discourse, the true difficulties of the New Age movement are really not dicsussed much, aside from the appropriation thing which does need a good long correction. These problems are, in my view
1) Source amnesia and lack of citation and historical awareness
2)Lack of structre and guidance of senior adepts for those entering into these traditions, which is essential in nearly every other spiritual tradition
3) Cultural appropriation, as discussed above.
I’m so grateful to my old high school friend Peter Breeze for allowing me to discuss my thoughts on this topic on his podcast.
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