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Paul Theriault

The Sarcopterygii have had neither been proven nor triturated. Any member of this group would 388px-Marbled_lungfish_1be a welcome addition to Homeopathy. While Coelacanths are likely to be somewhat difficult to obtain specimens, the lungfish are often interacted with by humans. The Queensland Lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri) would be an ideal candidate.
Image Credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Marbled_lungfish_1.jpg

Since the 1990’s several Chondrichthyes have been proven and triturated, allowing us a reasonable picture of this group. However, several large gaps in out knowledge of the White_sharkChondrichtyes still exist.

The greatest gaps in the extant Chondrichthytes is the Holocephali. Currently no members of this family have been either potentised or proven. In the Elasmobranchii, the Squalomorphii, have not been potentised or proven. Of these the dogfish, or Squalidae, would be ideal candidates for proving, due to their close relationship with humans, and the frequent encounter of their egg sacs, called mermaids purses, in tidal ponds.


In terms of fossils, the Eugeneodontiformes, Symorida, Xenacanthiformes and Hybodontiformes are all completely unproven and unpotentised, and would all make excellent candidates for proving.

Image Credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:White_shark.jpg

Hi Everyone. Happy New Year! A bit of a heavy article to start us off!

Anyway as many of you all know, in the current media landscape, the idea of “Fake News“. Fake News is a News Story that lacks truth, supporting documentation and is designed to support a particular worldview or agenda, usually shared via social media. It was incredibly successfully deployed in the recent American election, and this brought it to public consciousness for the first time in the English Speaking world, despite it’s long term prominence elsewhere in the world.

Rather than a phenomenon specifically emerging this year however, Fake news has been greatly appreciated as a widespread problem in all areas of Journalism. As this Article suggests that current trends in mainstream journalism, such as opinion based editorial content, slanted reporting, spin, and a lack of funding for long term investigation has degrades journalism to the extent where this kind of Fake News is possible.

If one investigates further, this trend of media manipulation can be seen to extend even beyond the circles of Journalism and the Media. As we can see from this article, media manipulation and group-think has pervaded even academia. Early work showing the health risks of Sugar was suppressed and has only in the present day come to light, the original thinker and researcher having been forgotten.

One area of Fake News however that has not been well investigated is the use of fake news style tactics by the “skeptical” movement. The skeptical movement has utilized tactics of this nature, specific threats against individuals promoting holistic medicine and Homeopathy, trolling, harassment and intimidation. Below I will detail two examples of this phenomenon.

In 2014 the NHMRC released a draft report on the body of research concerning Homeopathy. The report preliminarily found no evidence that Homeopathy can treat any condition. The report also opened itself to feedback and criticism over its methods. The Homeopathic community gave considerable feedback to the NHMRC, but the final report was released almost unaltered. Both releases triggered massive amounts of publicity, with articles such as the following being widely shared on social media, particularly by Skeptical movements.

This media frenzy however severely misrepresented the state of the research and the state of the NHMRC report. The report, as demonstrated by many researchers, was incredibly flawed. As elaborated by the Homeopathy Research Institute, The report did not distinguish between research methodologies (which is a huge issue in Homeopathy, see my previous blog post on this topic). Furthermore, the report, rather than compiling results and adding the entirety of the data together for analysis, simply subtracted negative studies from the positive, a procedure which is completely unprecedented in the medical literature, not to mention a highly inaccurate approach.

Furthermore, only trials in English were included, trials of less than 150 were dismissed (again without any basis in the medical literature, a cut off of ~35 is more universally accepted) and research not replicated independently was ignored. Furthermore some trials were excluded for no apparent reason, or due to the writers not understanding the, sensible and understandable to Homeopaths, methodologies used.

Even with all of this intellectual dishonesty, the conclusion of the NHMRC report was simply that there was insufficient evidence that Homeopathy can treat any condition. As we have seen above this conclusion, simply showing a lack of data by thier (unjustified) standards, was twisted in a Fake News style by the skeptical movement into evidence that Homeopathy was ineffective, harmful and even irresponsible.

A similar media frenzy followed the publication o the Shang Metanalysis in 2005. As detailed in this website by HRI, The analysis was also extremely sloppy. Shang preformed his analysis on 8 random selection of 21 homeopathic trials, out of 110 selected was used as the besis of this analysis, in defiance of proper procedure. Shang himself concealed which trials he used for his analysis for several months after the Fall release of this study, only releasing his list in December of 2005, after the media storm had occurred. Again, a number of skeptical publications twisted this conclusion and failed to report the serious issues in the analysis.

The latest example of this trend within the field of Homeopathy was the recent news story about Homeopathy labelling in the United States. In the United States, Homeopathy is regulated as a drug under a special set of regulations by the FDA which specifies manufacturing practices, selling, and labeling requirements. The FTC also has authority over the marketing of health claims.

In the course of the year, it had come to the attention of the FTC that some OTC Homeopathic products were making health claims that could not be justified from the scientific literature available. The FTC released a statement clarifying that unjustified health claims were not permitable, and that any unjustified claims must be identified as such. This was spun by the skeptical media as the FTC requiring ALL homeopathic products to carry labels that they have no evidence (when only unjustified health claims are required to be so labelled).Even normally moderate and respectable publications such as Scientific American reported this false line.

The bias shown both in the assumption of a lack of Homeopathic efficacy, and in the enforcement of trade laws was explored by Dana Ullman in the following article.

In these few examples, I have hoped to paint a picture of the kind of intellectual dishonesty that the skeptical movement has engaged in in order to fuel its agenda, which is supremacy of the allopathic medical model and entrenchment of it’s political power. This intellectual dishonesty has fueled a Fake News operation that rivals anything that the current populist movements can have.

If Homeopathy or any other therapy is to be honestly evaluated in an unbiased way, it must be done with all the rigor of the scientific method. Thankfully a few researchers are doing just this, and interestingly enough, they are finding positive and firm clinical evidence that Homeopathy works and has a greater than placebo effect, in high quality methodologically appropriate studies. Below is an example of a presentation by such a researcher.





Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah to all my dear patients. I am immensely thankful that you all have entrusted your health to me! I’m not quite a Scrooge, but I share the sentiment of this song in relation to you all!


So, with my very popular blog posts in the Homeopathic Remedies of Now American President Elect Donald Trump and of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, I have decided to do one final American political Homeopathic post, on Bernie Sanders, given the rise of his prominence in the Democratic party.

Bernie Sanders is a long term independent Senator and Congressman from Vermont. Though independent, he is extremely 800px-holland_hindeloopen_2004_049close to the Democratic party, though he does diverge from it in a number of ways, being more closely aligned with the new Deal ideals of Franklin Roosevelt, than the more corporate and centrist Clintonism of the 90s and the Obama administration.
Senator Sandors ran for the presidential nomination of the democratic party in 2015-6, I believe without a serious expectation of victory. He ran to bring attention to the issues of social justice and economic fairness that he has advocated for for many years. His candidacy caught fire however. His popularity jumped fantastically among young Americans, many of which are in increasingly tenuous or desperate economic circumstances, and among college educated voters, many of whom were weary of Hillary Clinton’s more graduallist approach to government. He narrowly lost the democratic primary to Clinton, and had campaigned on her behalf since that time. Since Clinton’s loss of the Presidential election, Sander’s along with Senator Elizabeth Warren, have taken on an increasingly prominent role in the Democratic party.

Mr Sanders displays in his public speaking a remarkable idealism. Underlying his speeches seems to be a vision, an almost ineffable view of the potential life in the United States could have. It is a place where individuals are cared for and supported by their community, the government plays a fair an equitable role in regulating the public space, and non-majority individuals such as LGBT individuals, Muslims, people of Latin American Ancestry and African Americans have equal opportunity to participate in public life. His campaign Slogan captured this perfectly ” A Future to Believe in”

Bernie campaigned hard on this vision and this platform. The biggest issue however was the factor of external circumstances. It was thought that many Americans would reject his more interventionist platform. Bloomberg threatened to run as a third party candidate if Bernie won the democratic nomination. A hostile relationship developed with the core of the Democratic party, and allegations of bias and favoritism were made.

Bernie’s response to these circumstances were to fight, hard. He continually campaigned, did multiple events, and called out in his speeches. He responded with a fighting spirit, both when he lost the nomination, and when Clinton was defeated. This rolling with the punches, and ability to keep fighting despite overwhelming odds seems to be a core part of his character. Then, the following seemingly synchronous thing happened:


This bird, a sparrow, landed on his platform. The bird was a Sparrow of some sort. It was treated almost as a sign of divine favor by some of Sanders’ supporters. To me this bird seems almost synchronous, as Sander’s basic personality traits and issues are very heavily within the Bird remedies.

Birds, as first explored by Johnathan Shore, Judy Schriebman and Anneke Hogeland, and later by Peter Fraser, Birds have the particular theme of Freedom, seeking an almost ineffable experience of freedom and expansiveness. In contrast to other remedies such as the insects, which seek this freedom but must transform themselves in order to attain it, Birds, while in the world, have as thier truest nature this freedom, without the need to reach for it or achieve it in any way. Freedom is thier nature. It is eternal, yet responsive, almost otherworldly, yet very much present in reality as we see it. I have done a trituration of one bird, Pica hudsonia, that will be published in my upcoming book on animal remedies. While having personally experienced this state during trituration, it remains somewhat difficult to describe.

The main issue in birds is the inability to take this eternal state of freedom and make it physically manifest in the world. Each bird species has its own particular issue which prevents them from doing so. In one remedy in particular, Sparrow, the issue is social opposition, disrespect of them, and the response is an almost pugnacious desire to fight and keep fighting for freedom, and for what one believes will lead to that state.

The state describes Senator Sanders perfectly. As he himself has been an amazing supporter of Naturopathic medicine throughout the years, I hope that one day he may be able to take this remedy.




With only one trituration available, any provings or triturations of Urochordates would be of immense value. Since we have no provings of the Thaliaceae and Larvaceae, they would be a higher priority. A number of species are quite prominent as well, and would make excellent candidates for a proving.


Edible species of Tunicate, such as Halocynthia roretzi, Styela clava, Microcosmus sabatieri, Pyura chilensis, or Pyura praeputialis would make excellent choices for proving.

Several Tunicates have become invasive species over time in a number of geographic areas, such as the Didemnum and Styela genii. Didemnum vexillum has become smothering in the Georges Bank of North America, likely presenting a profound resonance to issues affecting this region.






Image Credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunicate#/media/File:Ascidians.jpg

Given the complete lack of provings of Cephalochordates, and the presence of only one trituration, any provings of Lancelets would be immensely beneficial. 757px-branchiostoma_lanceolatum

As the one trituration available comes from the Branchiostoma genus, of the Branchiostomidae, members of the genii Epigonichthys or Asymmetron of the Assymetronidae would be the most sensible targets. With two more provings or triturations we could easily cover all extant genii within this subphyla.

As well, triturations and provings of some of the Cephalochordate fossils such as Cathymyrus species might also prove illuminating.

After my post detailing the Homeopathic remedy of Hilary Clinton, I decided to create Homeopathic profiles of other major US political figures.

The other figure in this election is of course, Donald Trump. Rivers of ink have been spilled in analysis of his Politics and political organization, or of the effect his candidacy has had on the political culture of the US. Recently, in these closing days of the election, blatant maneuvering from FBI bureaucrats and accusations of Witchcraft and Satanism have been leveled.

However, in Politics, particularly politics in this post modern age, personality matters greatly. Mr. Trumps personality looms large above his campaign, above policy, above his alliances with others, and even above his organization. Others have analyzed Trumps personality, and attempted a Homeopathic analysis. This analysis was lovely, and certainly bears a resemblance to Donald, maybe covering a more superficial remedy, or a remedy to treat his more current pathological state. however I did not feel this took into account some of Trump’s deeper issues, as evidenced by his discourse.

Trump has consistently emphasized several things. “Being a winner”, “Strength”, “Dealing from a position of Strength” all frequently appear in his words.  Among the greatest of his complaints are issues of fairness. He perceives many others, in the media and elsewhere as being unfair towards himself. It seems to me as if Mr Trump’s perception of himself is of great strength, potential and leadership, but that he is hobbled by others being unfair to him.

This combines with Mr Trumps emphasis on dominance and leadership to point towards the mammal remedies. I have used the recent book by the Joshis as a guide to this, as unfortunately my own writing on the Mammals has not yet commenced.

The specific issues of dominance and strength, as well as such predominant leadership interests seem to me to point to the large cats.This is further confirmed when we learn of the resistance and uncooperativeness of the large cats when they are unhappy. 2012_lion_gemsbokvlakte

In Particular, Mr Trump issues point to the remedy Lion’s milk, Lac leoninum. Lions perceieve themself as part of a group in which they are dominant, like the male lion in a pride ( also recalling Mr Trumps several marriages). According to the Joshis, the Lion lacks the normal mammal submissiveness, but rather percieves the group as dependent upon them. They delegate extensively ( see Mr Trumps expectation to delegate much of his presidency to his Vice President, Pence). They have a particular affinity for crisis, feeling the need to rise to prominence during times of crisis (such as running for the presidency during a time of malaise).

They are extremely protective of others, but can be very aggressive towards others who threaten their authority. They also have a pattern of self destructiveness, the Syphilitic miasm in Homeopathy, a tendency towards self destructive behaviors and attitudes. The issue in Lions seems to be the perception that they should be dominant and in charge, but that a number of other smaller and weaker individuals are ganging up on them in an attempt to overpower them. They percieve this as extensively unfair and can react very aggressively and even self destructively to this.

Trump, out of the three major figures in this election, is easily the least developed and the most enmeshed and affected by his state. He appears to frequently react from his state, moving to counter issues of fairness towards himself immediately and powerfully, often to the detriment of his own campaign (his twitter feud with the Khans come to mind) .  However, like all of us, he has the potential to grow considerably if he can obtain proper treatment of his state, and move into his true self. While coverage of Mr Trump has focused on his many episodes of reacting to his state, beneath his reactivity, there is good potential for leadership, even potential for greatness if he chooses to utilize it.

I happen to think that the best leadership comes from individuals who are able to express their true selves, rather than reacting to their states. This is accessible to everyone, no matter how distorted their life circumstances or previous choices are. I hope whomever wins the election next week has the chance to live in this manner, for the good of everyone in their country and in the world as a whole.

Image Credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2012_Lion_Gemsbokvlakte.jpg

Hi Everyone. Sorry for the extended delay in posting. I’ve been very busy writing my book and compiling information for a webinar I will be teaching. Like most Canadians I am observing the American federal election closely. As such I did watch the debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump last night.

After watching the debate last night and then watching the interaction on social media the next day, I began to wonder what role the state plays in the current media and social media coverage of the American election.

The sheer fury of the reactions to both candidates exceeds anything that their actual words could say. It would seem as if we as a culture are all engaged in a massive exercise in projection and in triggering of the state in response to this.

One particular meme that stood out for me was Hillary Clinton’s fly. Apparently during the second debate a Fly landed on Clinton’s Blouse and Face. The internet reaction was immediate. From jokes about her being a zombie, to memes claiming that flies are attracted to bullshit.

I find this a fascinating comparison to Ms. Clinton’s former Primary Rival, Senator Bernie Sanders. In March a small bird landed on Mr Sander’s podium. It was treated by his support base as an almost divine sign of favor.

The comparison between the Homeopathic pictures of these two animals is illuminating. The birds in general are focused on freedom, an almost ethereal state in which they can reach their potential live their joy. The main focus in birds is on the things that keep them from realizing this state. Bernie Sanders’ main issue, especially towards the end of the debate was the mutual hostility between his supporters and the established members of the Democratic Party. He had an almost idealistic vision which was obstructed by an outside force.

The Flies, or more specifically Diptera are a smaller group of remedies. They too aspire to a state of Freedom and fulfillment, but800px-hoverfly07 often find themselves trying to achieve it through their callings, a specific affinity or destiny in the world. In contrast to other more attractive remedies such as the Butterflies, the diptera find themselves despised for this. They embrace their affinity, which in the remedies we know so far, usually involves some activity that is socially frowned upon.

Flies are, in a sense, victims of their societies bias towards their affinity. Each individual fly remedy has its own affinity. Musca domestica ( housefly) has dirt and garbage. Lucilla (corpsefly) has death and decay. Each species has its own reaction to the disdain it feels as well, which can range from simple self destructive self loathing to indifference.

On a deeper level however, Flies are truly transformative species. They are concerned with transforming their affinity, bringing it into the light of day and rehabilitating it. Healing it in a certain way. They are concerned with transforming the world and healing its flaws and imperfections.

The great issue with the flies is their potential to not be able to transform and heal whatever they have an affinity with. They can become mired and trapped by it, corrupted in a sense.

This narrative reminded me greatly of Secretary Clinton’s own life story. She has endured by any measure a huge amount of nastiness and abuse from her political opponents over the last several decades. She seems to have a great desire to make the world a better place, in the way she believes is best. From watching her speeches I suspect she is deeply hurt by accusations of being untrustworthy, and the general level of acrimony directed at her for pursuing this inner calling. This narrative matches the Flies perfectly.

I am not aware of a Fly remedy with an affinity to Politics. However, I suspect there is one out there, and if so, it might make an interesting option for Secretary Clinton who is said to be a user of Homeopathy.

Image Credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hoverfly07.jpg

Hi Everyone.

Anyway time for an update on previous project. As many of you will remember from a previous post of mine, I had begun experimenting with Homeopathy to treat some of the plant disease which have been ravaging Calgary lately.

My experiements have so far been small scale within my neighborhood, so firm conclusions cannot yet be drawn. But so far the results are encouraging!

In my own Garden my Cotoneasters have so far not been affected, despite being literally next door to a group of Cotoneasters which needed to be cut down due to infestation. You can see mine below, looking alive and well despite the presence of a severe infestation feet away.



I treated a few Cotoneasters in my neighborhood as well. So far these have had a minimal infection, and retained their leaves. You can see them below.


Other Cotoneasters in my neighborhood that I did not treat have no fared so well. Two examples are shown below.



I will be treating these bushes with my remedies, and will record the results next year. I hope you all enjoyed this!

Take care of yourselves.