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Due to the extreme lack of proven trilobite remedies, any trilobite proving would be beneficial at this time. I do however strongly suggest that identified species of trilobite be used, to avoid confusion and duplication of efforts.

So far we have one member of the Phacopida, and one member of the Ptychopariids proven. As such members of the other trilobite orders, such as the Agnostida, Redlichiida, Corynexochida, Odontopleurida, Lichida, Proetida, Asaphida and Harpetida would be excellent additions.

Some suggestions of potential candidates[i] are Isotelus rex, the largest trilobite ever discovered to date at about 70 cm long, members of the Walliserops genus, which had a trident like appendage which may have been used for hunting, sexual display or other applications. Dicranurus monstrosus had a very large number of spines, likely for defensive purposes. Another genus Ceratages, also possessed a great deal of spines, and also a very distinctly sinister aura.

[i] I would like to thank the following websites for suggestions of interesting trilobites.




[i] I would like to thank the following websites for suggestions of interesting trilobites.

