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Hi Everybody. My apologies about my extended blog break. I’m back now, and I hope to continue regularly sharing my thoughts with you all.

One of the most recent authors to tackle the concept of miasms is Louis Klien, a Canadian homeopath based on Bowen Island in British Columbia. Hes written an excellent book on the subject call “Miasms and Nosodes”. I highly recommend his work.


His view of miasms is that of a sort of energetic imprint that is left within the body due to an infection somewhere within the family line. These imprints are reflective of the infection, and so have certain characteristics that allow you to identify them.

These characteristics are both mental and physical. They include both personality traits, beliefs, behaviours and physical symptoms. One example is the Botulism miasm. Klien identifies with the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, and suggests the characteristics of inhibiting others expression through maliciousness and nagging, inability to accomplish things, despair, and an inhibited deadpan personality. Physically he suggests symptoms of muscle flaccidity, lack of facial expression (this reminds me that botox is derived from this bacteria!), vision difficulties and respiratory paralysis.

Within each miasm are a number of other remedies which have been found to assist people caught in a particular miasmatic pattern. These remedies fall into two groups. The first is general remedies which are often prescribed for people in a particular miasm. The second is the nosodes, remedies made from the actual disease products themselves which can have profound effects on individuals who have not responded to otherwise well indicated remedies, or whose cures are incomplete, while still suffering within a miasm.

My own experience with nosodes has been very interesting. In the last several months I have had several long term cases which were stably managed under their respective remedies. However in recent months, these patients reported a return of older symptoms which proved unresponsive to repetition of thier previous remedy.

Using this view of miasms, I suspected that these patients had uncovered a miasmatic block. I began an investigation of their symptoms through a miasmatic lens, and came up with appropriate prescriptions. After receiving their remedies, my patients began improving greatly, and reported even greater vitality and health than before. They also reported the resolution of several long standing complaints which hadn’t been mentioned to me!
I look forward to treating some more of you with these new miasmatic remedies, and bringing you to an even more profound state of health!

Take care of Yourselves!

Dr. Paul.