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Hi Everyone.

I’m writing in the midst of cold snap, knowing that, this being calgary, we will one day soon get a Chinook and a strong rise in temperatures very suddenly. Many Calgarians will be deeply grateful for this change, many will not.
Many Calgarians suffer from horrendous migraines, or headaches of other kinds, with Chinooks. These migraines can be debilitating, and last for days.

Early in my practice, I found these migraines very difficult to treat. They often did not fully resolve with well selected homeopathic remedies, body acupuncture, or normal herbal therapies for migraines.

However, one patient once mentioned that her old epidural scar hurt during these migraines. I treated the scar, and voila! No more migraines. Either that day, or in future Chinooks.

With this patient, I realized that Chinooks had unique properties. They seemed to activate a phenomena called foci. Foci, or blockages to healing, are injuries which interfere with the bodies ability to regulate itself. They can contribute to many conditions. Chinooks have a unique property in triggering headaches and migraines in individuals that have a significant burden of foci. Treating these foci, via acupuncture and homeopathics, in my experience, will often significantly reduce and sometimes even eliminate Chinook migraines.

If you are interested in receiving treatment for your Chinook migraines, please do contact us.

Image Credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chinook_Arch_-_panoramio_(1).jpg