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Recently the BC college of pharmacists has opened comments on it’s policy of allowing the sale of homeopathic remedies in pharmacies by regulate members. I made a comment on this topic, which is reproduced below. I hope you all enjoy it!

If you would like to comment yourself, please do so at: https://www.bcpharmacists.org/readlinks/registrar’s-message-homeopathic-products-pharmacies?fbclid=IwAR187hD0GtQpWSXbF5ZkHTCBPVfIzplXoWt5Jnl47t-ZaLgsPBM2PPz0S8I

The belief that Homeopathy has no evidence is not a belief founded in fact. When one objectively and nondeceptively examines the homeopathic literature, one discovers that the overall balance of evidence, when considered without bias, is positive, both in terms of clinical trial literature, and in terms of the in vitro data. I reviewed the clinical trial data here:


I have also reviewed the in vitro data in this blog post:


There currently is movement to ignore these sets of evidence, and to use instead ostracism and social stigma against homeopathy because it is not understandable within the worldview of allopathic medicine has taken root, including an increasing movement to deny legal access to Homeopathic remedies, which are without doubt incredibly safe medical interventions.

This movement is illegitimate. Homeopathy is safe, and is an excellent intervention in a wide range of conditions, and deserves a legal place in pharmacies.