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Hi Everyone. Sorry for the lack of blogging lately. I’ve been immersed in bookwriting lately.

But, while I’m back, lets have a talk about smoke! Calgary is currently inundated by smoke from fires in Washington state. We currently have air quality that is actually somewhat worse than that in Beijing, a city notorious for its poor air quality.

This is quite unusual for us, and many people in our city are having a great deal of trouble with the poor air quality.

The bad part about this is that not much can be done about this form of environmental pollution. Were pretty much stuck with it until such time as the weather changes. The good part about this situation is that there are a lot of options available to help people cope.

  1. Get an Air filter. While outdoor air quality cannot be controlled, we can control the air quality of our homes. Purchasing a high quality air filter can dramatically improve the quality of air inside a home. I recommend a consultation with Pure Air Experts, who are specialists in home environmental health ( note: I get no payment for endorsement).
  2. Air masks. Air masks can easily be purchased at medical supply stores. Be sure to ask for masks high high filtration rates, and to securely fasten them over your face.
  3. Essential Oils. High particulate matter smoke is over very irritating to the lungs. Essential Oils can very much sooth the lungs and throat. Consider getting a diffuser and inhaling a combination of peppermint, Eucalyptus and cedar for 5 minutes per day.
  4. Homeopathy. I have a very rare remedy made from Toronto Smog which I have been using for prevention of Smoke inhalation issues.

If you’re feeling troubled by this smoke. Please do Contact us, or email me at drpaultheriault.nd@gmail.com. We will get you set up immediately to make the best, until the weather changes!.